Written and Illustrated by Adam C. Young
Adam Young
I have been drawing my whole life. I have made several attempts over the years trying to support myself with my artwork; creating cards, freelance, illustrating, t-shirt designing. Never having real success and tired of being broke, I chose a new path. I got my R.N. license and have been an E.R. nurse for the past 20 years. Fortunately, for me having a creative outlet has allowed me to escape the madness of the E.R. world. It’s amazing how stress can feed the imagination.
Tink has been living in my head for a long time. I feel he is finally ready to have a life outside of my head. Through illustrating his adventures Tink and his friends have a lot of entertaining to do.
Readers, I hope you find humor, enjoyment, and a brief escape from the realities of the real world while reading Tink’s stories.